Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keys list. If you use Microsoft Excel regularly, you know that constantly reaching for the mouse to click on various menu items can be quite daunting. That’s why MS Excel Shortcuts Keys come in handy here. By remembering those, you can save a lot of your time and effort. Here is the Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keys list.
यदि आप नियमित रूप से Microsoft Excel का उपयोग करते हैं, तो आप जानते हैं कि विभिन्न मेनू आइटम पर क्लिक करने के लिए लगातार माउस तक पहुंचना काफी कठिन हो सकता है। इसलिए यहाँ पर MS Excel Shortcuts Keys काम आती हैं। जिनको याद करके, आप अपना काफी समय और मेहनत बचा सकते हैं। यहाँ पर Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keys list दिया गया है।
Table of Contents
Microsoft Excel all Shortcuts Keys (MS Excel Shortcuts Keys List)
Microsoft Excel all Shortcuts Keys (MS Excel Shortcuts Keys Chart)
ESSENTIAL Excel Shortcuts Keys
Performed Action
Shortcut Keys
Undo the last action
Ctrl + Z
Redo the last action
Ctrl + Y
repeat the last action
Copy to clipboard
Ctrl + C
Cut to clipboard
Ctrl + X
Paste from clipboard
Ctrl + V
Display Paste Special menu
Ctrl + Alt + V
Find in page
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Find previous match
Ctrl + Shift + F4
Find next match
Shift + F4
Open Workbook
Ctrl + O
Save workbook
Ctrl + S
Close Excel
Alt + F4
Display the Go to dialog box
Ctrl + G
Select cells with comments
Ctrl + Shift + O
Select all visible cells
Alt + ;
Select direct precedents
Ctrl + [
Select direct dependents
Ctrl + ]
Select all precedents
Ctrl + Shift + {
Select all dependents
Ctrl + Shift + }
NAVIGATING MS Excel Shortcuts Keys
Move one cell Right
Move one cell Left
Move one cell Up
Move one cell Down
Move to right edge of data
Ctrl + →
Move to left edge of data
Ctrl + ←
Move to top edge of data
Ctrl + ↑
Move to bottom edge of data
Ctrl + ↓
Move to beginning of row
Move one screen right
Alt + Page Down
Move one screen left
Alt + Page Up
Move one screen up
Page Up
Move one screen down
Page Down
Move to first cell in worksheet
Ctrl + Home
Move to last used cell in worksheet
Ctrl + End
Display Go To dialog box
Ctrl + G
SELECTING THINGS Excel Shortcuts Keys
Select current row
Shift + Space
Select current Column
Ctrl + Space
Select current data range
Ctrl + A
Select all cells in worksheet
Ctrl + A
FORMATTING Excel Shortcuts Keys
Apply / remove bold formatting
Ctrl + B
Apply / remove underline formatting
Ctrl + U
Apply / remove italic formatting
Ctrl + I
Align to Centre
Alt + H + A + C
Align to Left
Alt + H + A + L
Align to Right
Alt + H + A + R
Indent text
Alt + H + 6
Remove indent
Alt + H + 5
Increase font size one increment
Alt + H + F + G
Decrease font size one increment
Alt + H + F + K
Display format cells dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + F
Display style cells dialog box
Alt + ’
NUMBER FORMATING Excel Shortcuts Keys
Apply number formatting
Ctrl + Shift + 1
Apply Time formatting
Ctrl + Shift + @
Apply Date formatting
Ctrl + Shift + #
Apply Currency formatting
Ctrl + Shift + $
Apply Percentage formatting
Ctrl + Shift + %
Apply Scientific formatting
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Apply Number formatting
Ctrl + Shift + !
WORKSHEETS Excel Shortcuts Keys
Insert new worksheet
Shift + F11
Go to next worksheet
Ctrl + Page Down
Go to Previous worksheet
Ctrl + Page Up
Insert cells
Ctrl + Shift + +
Delerte cells
Ctrl + –
Move active cell down in selection
Move active cell up in selection
Shift + Enter
Move active cell reght in selection
Move active cell left in selection
Shift + Tab
Show the active cell
Ctrl + Backspace
Deselect all except active cell
Shift + Backspace
ROWS AND COLUMNS Excel Shortcuts Keys
Insert rows (row selected)
Ctrl + Shift + +
Insert columns (Columns row selected)
Ctrl + Shift + +
Delete Selectecd rows
Ctrl + –
Delete Selectecd columns
Ctrl + –
Hide Selectecd columns
Ctrl + 0
Hide Selectecd row
Ctrl + 9
Unhide Selectecd columns
Ctrl + Shift + 0
Unhide Selectecd row
Ctrl + Shift + 9
Group rows or colunns
Alt + Shift + Right
Ungroup rows or colunns
Alt + Shift + Left
Open Group dialog box
Alt + Shift + Right
Open Unroup dialog box
Alt + Shift + Left
Hide or show outline symbols
Ctrl + 8
Extend right by one cell
Shift + →
Extend left by one cell
Shift + ←
Extend up by one cell
Shift + ↑
Extend down by one cell
Shift + ↓
Extend to right edge of data
Ctrl + Shift + →
Extend to left edge of data
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Extend to top edge of data
Ctrl + Shift + ↑
Extend to bottom edge of data
Ctrl + Shift + ↓
Extend right by one screen
Alt + Shift + Page Down
Extend left by one screen
Alt + Shift + Page Up
Extend up by one screen
Shift + Page Up
Extend down by one screen
Shift + Page Down
CELL BORDERS Excel Shortcuts Keys
Add border on all edges
Ctrl + Shift + &
Remove all borders
Ctrl + Shift + –
Add / remove right border
Alt + R
Add / remove left border
Alt + L
Add / remove top border
Alt + T
Add / remove bottom border
Alt + B
Add / remove diagonal up border
Alt + U
Add / remove diagonal down border
Alt + D
Add / remove horizontal interior border
Alt + H
Add / remove vertical interior border
Alt + V
ENTERING DATA Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keys
Edit the active cell
Cancel data entry
Delete Contents of selected cells
Insert new line into cell
Alt + Enter
Complete entry & move one cell down
Complete entry & move one cell up
Shift + Enter
Complete entry & move one cell right
Complete entry & move one cell left
Shift + Tab
Complete entry & stay in current cell
Ctrl + Enter
Enter data in all selected cells
Ctrl + Enter
Insert / edit comment
Shift + F2
Copy contents from cell above
Ctrl + D
Copy contents from cell to the left
Ctrl + R
Copy formula from cell above
Ctrl + +
Copy value from cell above
Ctrl + Shift + –
Add hyperlink
Ctrl + K
Insert current data
Ctrl + ;
Insert current time
Ctrl + :
Display autocomplete list
Alt + Down
Flash fill down to end of data region
Ctrl + E
WORKBOOKS Excel Shortcuts Keys
Go to nest workbook
Ctrl + Tab
Go to previous workbook
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Create new workbook
Ctrl + N
Open workbook (file menu)
Ctrl + O
Open workbook (classic)
Ctrl + F12
इस पोस्ट में आपने सीखा MS Excel Shortcuts Keys List जो आपके लिए बेहद ही महत्वपूर्ण हो सकती है। यदि आप MS Excel पर काम करते हैं तो। इसके साथ ही यदि आप किसी भी Competitive exam की तैयरी कर रहें है तो आपके लिए यह जानकारी हेल्पफुल रहेगी। इसे अपनो दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें धन्यवाद!
Ctrl + F12 Opens the “File Open Dialog Box”. and F12 Opens “Save As” dialog box
20 shortcut keys of MS Excel
Undo the last action → Ctrl + Z Redo the last action → Ctrl + Y repeat the last action → F4 Copy to clipboard → Ctrl + C Cut to clipboard → Ctrl + X Paste from clipboard → Ctrl + V Display Paste Special menu → Ctrl + Alt + V Find in page → Ctrl + F Replace → Ctrl + H Find previous match → Ctrl + Shift + F4 Find next match → Shift + F4 Open Workbook → Ctrl + O Save workbook → Ctrl + S Close Excel → Alt + F4 Move one cell Right → (Right arrow) Move one cell Left ← (Left arrow) Move one cell Up ↑ (Up arrow) Move one cell Down ↓ (Down arrow) Move to right edge of data Ctrl + → Move to left edge of data Ctrl + ← Move to top edge of data Ctrl + ↑ Move to bottom edge of data Ctrl + ↓
हेलो दोस्तों, मेरा नाम रोहित सोनी है। मै का Author and Founder हूँ। मैं इस ब्लॉग में रेगुलर नई नई आर्टिकल्स लिखता हूँ। यहाँ पर हम ज्यादातर Technology, Computer, Mobile, Internet, Banking, Flipkart, Tips and Tricks आदि से संबंधित Articles शेयर करते हैं। आपको हमारा लेख पसंद आता है तो इसे सोशल मीडिया में शेयर करें। अगर आपको कोई सहायता चाहिए तो कमेंट कीजिए।View Author posts